Next Membership Meetings:
Thursday February 6, 2025 @ 10am & 7pm
Office hours by appointment. Please give us a call at 410-683-1311 before you visit
Office hours by appointment. Please give us a call at 410-683-1311 before you visit
Welcome to the official website for the Baltimore County Professional Fire Fighters & Paramedics. This site is intended both as a general introduction to the public as well as a resource for over 1,800 Active and Retired members of IAFF Local 1311.
Briefly, L-1311 has proudly represented the career members of the Baltimore County Fire Department since 1958. With a full Executive Board, we strive to serve as the liaison for communications with the County Administration on behalf of our membership. One obvious goal is to constantly improve the working conditions of our members (i.e., safety, environment, benefits). As such, we are active in Local and State politics, community events and organizations, and public service programs.
We are your brothers and sisters, your neighbors and friends, and we appreciate your support.